Had an Average time in mudgee - a long drive there, saw a fatality - poor man at cullen bullen. H got hit by a truck-ute. Makes you wonder if the guy was just going down the street for milk on his motorbike and then the next thing he is lining up to see his maker and all his family will be grieving for sometime now. RIP 2him. The Memorial went great - I didnt do much at all, the guys blasted the crap out of my dad with a few shotguns and they had his ashes all over them - they got drunk etc, do I need to say more - I still cant figure out wehat the blazing bleek I went there for - To spend time in a motel room with family???????? One day I will figure it out.???????
Have been going to the gym this wk - its going great, but the old rictar scale aint budging - better luck next wk then.
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