Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well I had my first weigh in at Weight Watchers and lost only .2 of a kilo - but its better than nothing - so fingers crossed for next wks weigh in - Ive now gottalot of books to read so I will be reading up on them - points plan etc, which is great. Why does everyone in my household keep eating all my WW foods - eeeeeeggggghhhhhh - that really annoys me for sure.
Goodluck with everyones weight loss.

*there arnt alot of Fat People in china.
What are we doing wrong in Aussieland and Kiwiland then ?????????

Monday, January 22, 2007

The above tracks my weight loss progress - so here goes, lets hope that it stays on - Ive been going to the gym often and also have joined Weight Watchers, so we will see how things pan out. Good Luck to all those who are doing the same as me.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Back From Singapore and Hong Kong

hey Groovers,
Well Im back from Singapore and Hong Kong and we had a great time OS.

We went to 5 countries in 10 days - it was great, 1st off was Singapore, then Malaysia, then Hong Kong, then Mainland china-ShenZen and then Macau. It was fantastic, we had fun - spent money, ate alot and generlley toured alot and walked alot.
* We had to buy another bag to take the stuff back to Sydney.

We just had the best time ever.
This is the last holiday with the kidlets - as they are getting older and also we are moving to QLD in Dec07/Jan08 - so the girlbratlet will be moving with us and the boybratlet will be staying in Sydney, as he has a job in Sydney and dosent really want to move away at the moment. He will just have to get a velocity card and start flying up to meet us in Surfers.